How I find the best Premium WordPress Theme?

May 1, 2018

To start a blog, the first thing that matters is choosing the right topic. During the process the question arises at some point, rather a free theme or a premium theme?

In this article you will learn how to choose the best premium theme for your website and what to avoid.

What should be taken into account when designing?

The theme will certainly be used over a longer period of time on the website. Visitors get used to the appearance, so the theme should be visually appealing.

Certain design elements should be present to ensure long-term use:

  • Good colour combination
  • Web-compliant fonts
  • Clear appearance
  • Appealing pictures
  • Extensible menu structures

Together these 5 basis points create an optimal constellation that appeals to the visitor. At the same time it helps you to achieve the goals you have set for the future.

Most premium themes meet these 5 basis points, have an unlimited color selection and provide fast customization options for web-compliant fonts with an integrated theme admin.

All these aspects can be quickly seen in the respective Premium Theme demos.

Ideally, the Premium Theme offers ready-made subpages and design elements that can be quickly and easily adapted to your own needs.

Is there sufficient functionality?

The difference between themes and plugins is that themes are the basic look of the website, but plugins only have one functionality.

The premium WordPress market is very competitive, which means that some theme developers add many plugin-like functions to the design.

Now you could think that's great, but it's not.

So why is this bad in practice?

If a theme takes over plugin functionality at once, it is difficult or impossible to change the theme at all.

For example, if a theme uses a revised post type, this post type cannot be selected for posts after a change of theme. The consequence: contributions suddenly look completely different.

The same applies if a theme provides separate short codes in the post environment.

TIP: Even if it is tempting if a theme has a lot of functions, switching to another theme is difficult or even impossible.

Is the code secure and fast?

Unfortunately, it is usually neglected to pay attention to speed and good programming practice with premium themes.

However, this is due to the fact that it is difficult for those interested in non-technology to judge that accordingly.

An insane number of functions can therefore be an indication that this premium theme can cause speed and performance problems.

Is the theme compatible with the required plugins?

Before the decision for a special Premium Theme is made, some questions should be asked beforehand:

  • Is the theme capable of e-commerce?
  • Is there a willingness to translate foreign-language themes?
  • Is BuddyPress or bbPress supported?
  • Is the theme compatible with plugins I might use?

For most premium themes, however, a template for using the e-commerce platform such as WooCommerce is already integrated.

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Andrew Phan
As well as Photoshop, he specializes in WordPress and Responsive Web Design. He also publishes articles, tips and tutorials on WordPress Themes.
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